Hardcore Leveling Warrior Wiki
Hardcore Leveling Warrior Wiki
Hardcore Leveling Warrior Wiki

A status effect (상태 효과,sangtae hyogwa) is a temporary modification to a game character’s original set of stats that usually comes into play when special powers and abilities (such as spells) are used, often during combat.


Status effects affect a character's attributes or actions either positively (such as providing a character with increased attributes, defensive barriers, regeneration) or negatively (Such as providing the character with decreased attributes, incapacitation, degeneration). Some status ailments can be side effects of attacks, while others might be their own spell or skill. They can affect either one or multiple characters.Especially in MMORPGs, beneficial effects are referred to as buffs, and hindering effects are called debuffs.

Character's may acquire status effects by consuming items, casting spells on themselves or each other, activating devices in the world, interacting with other players or NPCs, or remaining in a particular location.

Status effects can be removed in various ways which may depend on how the said status effect(s) were acquired in the first place. Some status effects expire after a certain amount of time has elapsed. Many games also include magic spells that can eliminate status effects. Status effects are often removed at the end of a battle or once the originating enemy is defeated, however some may persist until they are explicitly cured. Games which allow players to rest may remove some status effects when that action is taken. If a game has multiple classes, one will often be a class capable of healing, who will have a greater ability to remove negative status effects than other classes.

Known Status Effects[]

Neutral Status Effects[]

  • Berserk:

Negative Status Effects[]

  • Fear: temporarily prevents the target from acting and freezes their body
  • Hunger: The character's stamina decreases when they have an empty stomach.
  • Posioned:
  • Silence:

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Status Effect is a common video game trope that appears in numerous computer and video games of many genres, most commonly in role-playing video games.

