This is the 111th episode of season 2 and the 294th episode of Hardcore Leveling Warrior. It is titled "The Gap".
Images from this episode can be found here.
After defeating Stone, Hardcore Leveling Warrior prepares to face off against the Primordial Dragons. Seeing there is no other option. The Dragon of Evil sacrifices the remainder of his life span to summon the Ancient Dragon, to fight Hardcore Leveling Warrior.
Character Appearances[]
- Stone
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior
- Dragon of Light
- Dragon of Evil
- Heart Heater
- Dark
- Sora
- Choco Bibi
- Drip Soup
- Tempest
- Cocomori
- Veganic
- Cube
- Mochi
- Redinaia
- Dragon of Light's Sword
- Demonic Sword - Demon King Sik
- Sea Dragon Sword
- Magic Sword of the Knights
Lucid Adventure[]
- Grass Roots Guild
- Dark Land
- Giga's Special Investigation Department
Notes & Trivia[]
- The Episode is listed as 2부 111화 - 차이 by Naver Webtoon which translates to Season 2 Episode 111 - The Gap. It is simply listed as [Season 2] Ep. 111 by LINE Webtoon.
- 차이 means "the gap". It is a game slang that derived from League of Legends. It refers to the skill gap between the enemy and the ally. Let's say you are playing Mid and you are doing poorly while the enemy is doing better, in that case someone might say "omg mid gap" or "ong mid diff" as in the skill difference between midlaners. It is also used in Overwatch.
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior called the Dragons "Yonggary" (용가리, Yonggari) (LINE incorrectly translated this as simply "dragons"). This was a reference to Yongarry (sometimes spelt as "Yongary"), a giant dragon-like Kaiju originating from the 1967 South Korean film Yongary, Monster from the Deep. The film and its title character were produced to rival the success of Toho's Godzilla films during the mid-60s.
- Stone is once again slandered by both the Naver Webtoon and Enlish LINE Webtoon fandom for thinking he is the main character and his arrogance. The Dragon of Light is also abused for not doing anything while the Dragon of Evil fights attempts to engage Hardcore Leveling Warrior.
- Heart Heater said his Magic Sword of the Knights could cut the flesh of Dragons in Episode 130. This episode confirms it as Heart Heater stabbed the Dragon of Evil.
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior said that the orbs summoned by the Dragon of Evil felt like the source/origin and the root of magic itself. This follows on from Episode 151 where it was said that the Primordial Dragons fought each other for over a millennium and their blood soaked the earth, leaving magic and technology in the world. Also in Season 2 Episode 26, it was said that All magic originated from the dragons.
- The names of the Primordial Dragons were revealed in this episode. The Dragon of Light's name is Lahru (LINE Webtoon: Lahlou) and the Dragon of Evil's name is Vinjure.
- Redinaia made her debut in Season 2.
Setting Errors(?)[]
Translation Notes & Errors[]
- Stone: 말도 안돼..!! 난...주인공 이잖아!!!!!!
- LINE: No way...!! But...I'm the main character!!
- WIKI: No way...!! But...I'm the main character!!!!!
- Literal: No way...!! I'm...the main character!!!!!!
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior: 나한테 졌으니.. 랭킹 1위 딱지는 반납해야겠네? 그 자리, 그렇게 쉬운거 아니다. [딱지 means "stamp; tag; label; ticket"] [자리 means "seat; spot; position; place; rank"]
- LINE: Since you got defeated by me... It's time you turn in the first rank. That title isn't that easy to keep, you know.
- WIKI: Since you lost to me....Shouldn't you return that first ranker tag? That spot isn't that easy.
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior: 잔챙이는 컷 했고..'진짜'들을 사냥하러 가보실까! [: 잔챙이 is a derogatory term for a person and it means "small fry", basically an "insignificant person" or "some lackey".
- LINE: I got rid of the minnows...Now for the Real Deal!
- WIKI: I dealt with the small fry...Now shall I go hunt the 'real deal'?!
- Dragon of Light: 스톤!!
- LINE: Stone!!
- WIKI: Stone!!
- Dragon of Light: 다행이야, 숨이 붙어있어.. !!
- LINE: What a relief. He's still breathing...!!
- WIKI: What a relief. He's still breathing...!!
- Dragon of Evil: 억겁의 세월을 살아왔건만, 여전히 넌 무르구나 라흐루여. 모든것을 지켜내며 싸울순 없다는걸 아직도 모르는거냐?
- LINE: You've lived for endless years, yet you're as soft-hearted as ever, Lahlou. Do you still not understand that you can't protect everything in a fight?
- WIKI: You've lived for endless years, yet you're as soft-hearted as ever, Lahru. Do you still not understand that you can't protect everything in a fight?
- Dragon of Light: 어떻게든 ... 이 아이는 살려야 해!
- LINE: I this child no matter what!
- WIKI: No matter what...I have to save this child!
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior: 다음은 너네 차례다, 용가리들아. 비늘 닦고 딱 기다려라!
- LINE: You guys are next, dragons. Get ready to get scaled!
- WIKI: You guys are next, Yonggarys. Dust off your scales and get ready!
- Dark: 젠장!! 여기까지 와서 이게 뭐냐고...
- LINE: Damn it!! We've come this far just to end up like this?
- WIKI: Damn it!! We've come this far just to end up like this?
- Sora: 다크, 진정해.
- LINE: Dark, calm down.
- WIKI: Dark, calm down.
- Name: 진정하게 생겼냐고...!!! 지금 열렙전사가 눈 앞에 있는데 아무것도 할 수가 없잖아!!!
- LINE: How can I possibly calm down...?! Hardcore Leveling Warrior is right before my eyes, but there's nothing I can do!!
- WIKI: How can I possibly calm down...?! Hardcore Leveling Warrior is right before my eyes, but there's nothing I can do!!
- Sora: 나갈 수 있어. 여기서.
- LINE: There's a way to get out.
- WIKI: There's a way to get out.
- Dark: ...뭐? 그..그럼 뭐하고 있어?! 당장 이 보호막에서 나가자!!
- LINE: What? R-Really? Then what are we waiting for?! Let's get out of this shield already!!
- WIKI: What? R-Really? Then what are we waiting for?! Let's get out of this shield already!!
- Sora: 아니, 그건 안돼.
- LINE: No, we can't do that.
- WIKI: No, we can't do that.
- Dark: 뭐? 지금 장난해?! 이 상황에서 무슨 뚱딴지같은 소리야?
- LINE: What...? Are you kidding me right now?! This is no time for silly talk!
- WIKI: What...? Are you kidding me right now?! What sort of nonsense are you spouting in this situation?
- Sora: 뚱딴지같은 소리를 하는건 너야, 다크. 너.. 아까 열렙전사님을 보고 뭘 느꼈어 ?
- LINE: You're the one who's being silly, Dark. What did you feel when you saw Hardcore Leveling Warrior?
- WIKI: You're the one spouting nonsense, Dark. What did you feel when you saw Hardcore Leveling Warrior-Nim earlier?
- Dark: 뭐?
- LINE: Huh?
- WIKI: Huh?
- Sora: 한건호에게 무언가를 당한 뒤의 열렙전사님은 사람이 아닌것 같았어. 그 모습은 마치 인격이 없는 기계같았지. 지금은.. 아까 처럼은 되지 않을것 같은 기분이 들어.
- LINE: After Nathan did something to Hardcore Leveling Warrior, he didn't seem like a human being. He was more like a machine without a personality. I feel like this time would be different.
- WIKI: After Han Gun-Ho put him through hell, Hardcore Leveling Warrior-Nim didn't seem to be human. He was more like a machine without a personality. Now...I feel like it won't work out like it did earlier.
- Sora: ...게다가 지금 열렙전사님은 두 용에 맞서는데도 전혀 밀리지 않는 초월의 영역에 있어.
- LINE: Besides, Hardcore Leveling Warrior isn't yielding at all in the fight against the two dragons. He's in the transcendental realm.
- WIKI: Besides, Hardcore Leveling Warrior isn't yielding at all in the fight against the two dragons. He's in the transcendental realm.
- Sora: 만약, 지금 당장 보호막을 풀고 나간뒤에 , 열렙전사님이 우릴알아보지 못하고 모두 죽여버린다면?
- LINE: Let's say we break the shield and get out right now. What if Hardcore Leveling Warrior doesn't recognize us and kill us all?
- WIKI: Let's say we break the shield and get out right now. What if Hardcore Leveling Warrior doesn't recognize us and kills us all?
- Dark: !
- LINE: !
- WIKI: !
- Sora: 아까는 지존검사님도, 콘스탄트님도 있었기에 어떻게든 기회를 만들어 낼 수 있었지만, 지금은 ...상황이 너무 다르지. 한순간이었지만 하트히터는 모두 파악한거야. 이대로 싸움에 휘말려든다면 모두 개죽음을 당할거란걸 안거지. [개죽음 means "useless death, purposeless death; die in vain; dog's death". A dog's death is like a "a dishonorable or shameful death". If someone dies like a dog, they die in a painful and shameful way.]
- LINE: We had a chance earlier thanks to Master Swordsman and Constant, but now...things are very different. In that split second, Heart Heater figured out that we would all die in vain if we were to get into the fight.
- WIKI: We had a chance earlier thanks to The Best Swordsman-Nim and Constant-Nim, but now...the situation is very different. In that instant, Heart Heater figured it all out. He knew that if we tried getting involved a fight like this, we would all die a dog's death.
- Sora: 그동안 함께 열렙전사님을 찾아헤멘 하트히터가 우리의 마음을 모를리가 없잖아!
- LINE: He's been searching for Hardcore Leveling Warrior with us all along. Do you really think he doesn't know how we feel?!
- WIKI: There's no way that Heart Heater, who has been searching for Hardcore Leveling Warrior-NIm with us, doesn't know how we feel!
- Dark: 미안. 또 어린애 처럼 굴어버렸네. 만약 돈벌레가 이런 상황에 있었다면, '어떻게든 방법을 생각해내!' 라고 했을 텐데 말이야...
- LINE: Sorry. I acted like a kid again. If snob was in this kind of situation, he would say, "work out a way somehow!"
- WIKI: Sorry. I acted like a kid again. If Hireling was in this kind of a situation, he would have said, "work out a way somehow!"
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior: 어이. 거기 시꺼먼놈 둘! 쫄았냐?! 왜 멀뚱히 서서 쳐다만 보냐? ㅋ ㅋㅋ [시꺼먼 is the conjugated form of 시꺼멓다. It means "coal black; jet black; very black" as in colour of something, "black" (as in "malicious; wicked; ill-intentioned")
- LINE: Hey. You two there! Are you scared?! Why are you just standing there, staring at me? Hahaha!
- WIKI: Hey. You two devious guys! Are you scared?! Why are you just standing there and staring at me? Hahaha
- Dark: 깝죽대는 이 시끄러운 목소리는.. 돈벌레다!! 왜인지는 모르겠지만.. 돈벌레의 인격이 돌아왔어!! [깝죽대 is the conjugated form of 깝죽대다, which means "brag; swagger, arrogant(ce)". Basically someone acting out and being provocative] [시끄러운 is the conjugated form of 시끄럽다, which means "noisy; loud; boisterous; uproarious"]
- LINE: This loud and ragging's snob!! I don't know why, but he got his personality back!
- WIKI: This loud and provocative voice...It's hireling! I don't know why, but Hireling's got his personality back!
- Dragon of Evil: 하트히터여. 약한 소린 정말 하고싶지 않지만... 우리 둘만으로는 벅찰 것 같구나. 형제들을 모두 부르거라.
- LINE: Heart Heater. I really don't want to sound weak...But I have a feeling this will be too much for just the two of us. Summon all the brothers!
- WIKI: Heart Heater. I really don't want to sound weak...But I have a feeling this will be too much for just the two of us. Summon all the siblings!
- Heart Heater: 스..스승님..
- LINE: M-Master...
- WIKI: M..Master-Nim..
- Dragon of Evil: 뭘 망설이느냐? 저녀석을 상대하려면, 이제 그 수 밖에 없지 않느냐.
- LINE: Why are you hesitating? That is the only way to take on him.
- WIKI: Why are you hesitating? If we want to take on that guy, that's the only option we've got now.
- Heart Heater: … 이미 죽음을 각오하고 오신겁니까...
- LINE: Have you come prepared to die...?
- WIKI: ...Have you come prepared to die...?
- Heart Heater: 알겠습니다.
- LINE: Yes Master.
- WIKI: I understand.
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior: 아까부터.. 둘이 무슨얘길 그렇게 궁시렁궁시렁 하고 있는거야? 재미있는 이야기, 나한테도 좀 해주라!!
- LINE: Hey. What are you mumbling about? Share the fun story with me!!
- WIKI: What were you two talking about earlier? Sounds like a fun story, let me in on it!!
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior: ...?! 뭐야 저놈들? 팀킬? [팀킬 means "team kill; friendly fire" is a game slang. It is the act of intentionally or unintentionally attacking or knocking down a member of the same team in a game or match that requires cooperation between team members. This is a term mainly used in games that have a team-based PVP system]
- LINE: ...What are they doing?! A team kill?
- WIKI: ...?! What are they doing? A team kill?
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior: 아냐, 이건 마법..!! 그것도 엄청나게 '근원'에 가까운... 마법의 뿌리 그 자체..!!
- LINE: No, this magic...! It's a type damn close to The Origin. It's the root of magic itself...!!
- WIKI: No, this magic...! it's very close to 'The Origin'...It's the root of magic itself...!!
- Dragon of Light: 빈쥬레..!! 당신은 또다시.. 모든것을 부수는 방법을.. 자기 자신조차도..!! [방법 means "way; means; method; a step, a measure, a scheme; (제조법)a recipe; a formula(pl. ~s, -lae)"]
- LINE: Vinjure...! You're going down the same road...that will once again destroy everything...even including yourself!!
- WIKI: Vinjure...!! Once again you...your using a method that will destroy everything...even yourself...!!
- Skill: 용마법 - 태초의 피!!
- LINE: Dragon Magic - The First Blood!
- WIKI: Dragon Magic - Primordial Blood!!
- Dragon of Evil: 네 신의 힘을 일부 흡수 했다 해도... 남은 생명으론 이정도가 전부인가..
- LINE: Although I absorbed part of the Four God's power....I guess this is the best I can do with the remaining life.
- WIKI: Even after absorbing some of the power of God...Is this the best I can do with my remaining life?
- Hardcore Leveling Warrior: ..?! 저 구체 심상치 않아.. 위험한 느낌이 든다!! [심상치 않아 means "unusual; uncommon; not right]
- LINE: ....?! That looks dangerous!!
- WIKI: ...?! That sphere is feels dangerous!!
- Dark: 일단 우리가 알고있는 사실은 두가지. 열렙전사의 기억을 돌아올 수 있다는것. 아까 확인했지.
- LINE: At the moment, we know two things. One is that Hardcore Leveling Warrior's memory can return. We saw it happen earlier.
- WIKI: At the moment, we know two things. The first is that Hardcore Leveling Warrior's memory can return. We saw it happen earlier.
- Dark: 두번째, 지금의 녀석은 무슨짓을 당하긴 했지만, 어느정도의 의식은 있어. 저렇게 소리를 꽥꽥 질러대는걸 보면 알 수 있지. 지금의 열렙전사는 나보다 훨씬 강해. [꽥꽥 is mimicking duck or goose’s voice or sound. "quacking". It means "screaming; screeching; quack-quack(오리 소리); shouting and shouting;꽥꽥하다 shout; yell; quack"]
- LINE: And the other is that something was done to him, but he's still somewhat conscious. I can tell from the way he's yapping. The Hardcore Leveling Warrior now is much stronger than me.
- WIKI: Secondly, the current guy had something down to him, but he still has a certain level of consciousness. You can tell from the way he's yapping. The current Hardcore Leveling Warrior is much stronger than me.
- Dark: 나의 개인특성 으로, 몇번을 죽더라도 다시 살아나 녀석에게 접근할거야. 그리고, 영혼상태로 녀석의 정신세계에 들어가 다시한번 돈벌레를 깨운다.
- LINE: So using my personal attribute, I'm gonna come back to life again no matter how many times I die and get to him. And in the form of a soul, I'll enter into snob's mind and wake him up once more.
- WIKI: Due to my personal attribute, no matter how many times I die, I'll come back to life and get to him. And then, in a soul state, I'll enter his mental world and awaken Hireling once again.
- Choco Bibi: … 몇번이 아니라, 몇백 몇천번이 될지도 몰라. 각오는 되어있나?
- LINE: You might have to try hundreds or even thousands of times. Are you ready for it?
- WIKI: ...It might not just be a few times, but a hundreds or even thousands of times. Are you ready for it?
- Dark: 물론이지. 지존아재의 희생에 비하면 이건 아무것도 아니야. [Ahjussi / Ajussi (아저씨): Respectful call name for married man or neighbourhood uncle. Middle aged men. Ajae (아재): Short form of Ajussi. A middle aged guy who has old-fashioned style and makes old school jokes. So basically Dark is calling The Best Swordsman "The Best-Uncle" or something of that nature.]
- LINE: Of course. This is nothing compared to Master Swordsman's sacrifice.
- WIKI: Of course. This is nothing compared to The Best-Ajae's sacrifice.
- Sora: 이.. 이건!! 악의 용의 힘이야..!! 악의 용의 힘이.. 마치 나를 부르는듯한...
- LINE: ?! T-This is, the Evil Dragon's power...! It is as if...the power is calling me....
- WIKI: ?! T...This is!! It's the Dragon of Evil's power..!! The Dragon of Evil's's as if its calling me...
- Skill: 근원 부화!!
- LINE: Hatching of the Origin!
- WIKI: Hatching of the Origin!!
- Redinaia: 오랜만이네요, 아버지.
- LINE: Long time no see, Father.
- WIKI: Long time no see, Father.
- Dragon of Evil: 아아.. 왔느냐, 나의 피붙이들아 … [피붙이 means "kin; kinsfolk; blood related" A person very close like parents, children, siblings, etc., related by blood.] [아아 is the shortened form of 아이스 아메리카노, whcih means "iced Americano". It is also used as the interjection "ah; oh; wow" (An exclamation uttered when the speaker is greatly impressed or sighs because he/she is upset.), "oh no; oh my goodness; oh my gosh" (An exclamation uttered when the speaker is surprised or encounters an unexpected event.) or "ah; charge" (An exclamation uttered to cheer oneself up when people fight or play a game in groups.)]
- LINE: Yes... welcome, my children
- WIKI: Ah...You've come, my children...
- Redinaia: 모든힘은 아버지를 위해!!!
- LINE: All power exist for father!!
- WIKI: All power exist for father!!