Hardcore Leveling Warrior Wiki
Hardcore Leveling Warrior Wiki
The following article contains HEAVY SPOILERS! Read on at your own caution!

Skills, Abilities & Items

Lu Bu (Line Webtoon: Fengxian) is an eighth grade student that is a member of Giga. He is the youngest person to ever be scouted for Giga.[2] He was a member of Team Giga No.9 that took part in the Combat Tournament and got eliminated by Team Hardcore Leveling Warrior during the Siege Round.

After the two year time skip, he became a student of Lucid High alongside Dark, Wolf and Chota.

Notes & Trivia

  • 여포 is the Korean translation of Lü Bu. 자는 봉선 (奉先) means "Fengxian", Lu Bu's courtesy name. Line Webtoon incorrectly translated Lu Bu as Fengxian.
  • This is the first player shown to have the same name as their Personal Attribute.
  • Fengxian is the courtesy name of Lü Bu, who is described in historical and fictional sources as an exceptionally mighty warrior that was also notorious for his temperamental behaviour. He switched allegiances erratically and freely betrayed his allies, and was noted for his poor planning and management skills
    • In the 14th-century historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Lü Bu is portrayed as a nearly invincible warrior but an incapable leader who is further marred by character flaws.

