The following page contains several original content media published on Kim Sehoon's twitter account related to the Hardcore Leveling Warrior series. Unfortunately, Kim Sehoon deleted his twitter account so the page contains information that has been pieced together from various other sources.
Grass Roots Guild Members Real Names and Occupations[]
Date Posted: 29.07.19 8.15 AM
On Why Chairman Kim's Name is Lee Jae-No[]
Date Posted: 30.03.19
A Young Heart Heater[]
Kim Sehoon made several twitter posts about the young Heart Heater.
First Tweet[]
Date Posted: 4:45 AM - 16 Mar 2019
"소년의 이름은 하트히터 버밀리온 퀸타린. 진홍색 눈을가진 퀸타린 가문의 아이." This literally translates to "The name of the boy is the Heart Heater Vermilion Quintarin. A child of Quintarin family with crimson eyes.
Second Tweet[]
Date Posted: 4:14 AM - 16 Mar 2019
"소년은 생각 했습니다. ‘오늘 따라 눈이 더럽게 많이 내리네.’" which literally means "The boy thought. 'It's snowing a lot today
Third Tweet[]
Date Posted: 23:15 24th of September 2019
The 3rd and 4th Pic are of a young Heart Heater silhouette and a young Heart Heater watching the scenery. '집을 나온 소년은 목적지도 없이 눈길을 걷고 또 걸었습니다. "결국 얼어 죽을거야!" "통통한게 맛좋아 보이는걸!" 겨울까마귀들이 소년의 머리위에서 떠들어댔습니다. 소년은 생각했습니다. "시끄러운 까마귀들. 난 통통한게 아니라 체격이 좋은거야.". This literally translates to: The boy who left the house walked and walked without a destination. "I'll eventually die freezing!". "Chubby looks delicious!" Winter crows rattled over the boy's head. The boy thought. "Noisy crows. I'm not chubby, I have a good physique.
Post about Lucid Adventure's Inception[]
In a now deleted post Kim Sehoon posted a sketch of Hardcore Leveling Leveling Warrior
Post Date: 23.04.19 Link
"것도 비슷한 시기.. 열렙전사는 그때부터 대충 캐릭터가 잡혀있었다. 이름은 열렙전사가 아니었지만.. 아마 짓기 귀찮아서 호호이나 호호티 같은걸로 지었던것 같음." (English: This is a similar time. Since then, the Hardcore Leveling Warrior had been roughly a character. The name wasn't a Hardcore Leveling Warrior, but ... It's a nuisance to build it, so it's like Hoho or Hohoti. This tweet pertains to the Hardcore Leveling Warrior sketch that's third below. The tweet in the thread for the other 2 was not acquired unfortunately.