Hardcore Leveling Warrior Wiki
Hardcore Leveling Warrior Wiki

Forest Golem are a type of golem constructed made out of rock in Lucid Adventure. They are the guardians of the Forest. '


The Forest Golem is a gargantuan being with a large build that is made out of rock. Patches of overgrown mass can be seen through out its entire body.

Its head exposes a rectangular hole that shows its glowing red eyes.



Forest Golems are single minded monsters that attack invaders within the forest or base they are guarding. The golems roar upon their awakening when they detect an intruder.


As golems, Forest Golems possess high resistances against any physical damage. However, they are incapable of using any kind of magic so far as they are purely made out of rock.

Their size gives them a great amount of strength and durability.


Pooh Upooh Retrieval Arc[]

Forest Golems awaken and roar upon sensing invaders within their territory and proceed to guard the portal they are tasked with.

They engage Lime, who transformed into Night Mode, in battle and are destroyed soon after.

Notes & Trivia []

